antología gráfica con un enfoque histórico, social y político
en el contexto puertorriqueño
graphic anthology with a historical, social and political focus in the Puerto Rican context
Publicado en parte gracias a la beca El Serrucho de Beta-Local + Mellon Foundation
Published in part thanks to El Serrucho grant from Beta-Local + Mellon Foundation
212 pages, 2021

A través de RAPIÑA | CARROÑA, damos con pedazos de ese país que somos y que se nos ha negado, éste dónde lo personal y lo político se saben una misma cosa. El contingente de personas detrás de este trabajo rescata del diario estas historias que evanescen y les trae de vuelta a la luz entre estas páginas que de igual forma deberán enfrentar las suertes que deparan a todo cuanto confiamos al papel. Ojalá sirva el recuento para avivar en quienes lean, otras búsquedas y que podamos, cada quién cómo mejor sepa, responder a ese ruego y asumir su urgencia. Ser nosotros quienes seamos custodios de esta historia, quienes le cuiden, construyan y resuelvan.
Fragmento del prólogo “Hoarders” por Rubén Ramos Colón
Illustration by Omar Banuchi
Through RAPIÑA | CARROÑA, we find pieces of that country that we are and that we have been denied, the one where the personal and the political know the same thing. The contingent of people behind this work rescues from the newspaper these stories that vanish and brings them back to light among these pages that in the same way must face the fate that everything that we entrust to paper has in store. Hopefully the recount will serve to fuel other searches in those who read it and that we can, each of us how best we know how, respond to that request and assume its urgency. It will be us who are custodians of this history, who take care of it, build it and solve it.
Fragment of prologue “Hoarders” by Rubén Ramos Colón

Artistas + autores colaboradores
Collaborating artists + authors
Rosaura Rodríguez
Omar Banuchi
Karla Claudio Betancourt
Cristian Guzmán Cardona
Rosa Colón Guerra
Subibaja Comics
Alexandra Pagán Vélez
Jorge Rodríguez Beruff
Joel Cintrón Arbasetti
Camila Frías Estrada
From "Tullidura"
Written by Joel Cintón Arbasetti
Illustrated by Rosa Colón Guerra
From "Casi peor"
Written and illustrated by Rosaura Rodríguez

From "Los Robles"
Written by Omar Banuchi
Illustrated by Karla Claudio Betancourt

From "2025"
Written by Alexandra Pagán Vélez
Illustrated by Rosaura Rodríguez and Omar Banuchi

From "Puerto Rico en la Primera guerra mundial: geoestrategia, militarización y reforma colonial"
Written by Jorge Rodríguez Beruff
Illustrated by Cristian Guzmán Cardona
From "Buitres"
Written by Omar Banuchi
Illustrated by Subibaja Comics
(CJ Román and Marcos Pecchio)